candlejack May 04, 2010 18:17
ideas, 4 u, fandom, valeska you are a gay black man, birthday, owlific, fffffaggots, doodles and shit
candlejack May 04, 2010 12:32
release the cthulhus, touch my hobo hand, birthday, fffffaggots, valeska you are a gay black man, lawls
candlejack Apr 11, 2010 20:27
u wan sheep kiwi?, release the cthulhus, birthday, valeska you are a gay black man, rpg, raeps tiems nao
candlejack Mar 16, 2009 12:38
valeska you are a gay black man
candlejack Oct 30, 2008 20:54
this is so gay, awesome shit you don't care about, uweh, can it be caps locks tiems nao?, valeska you are a gay black man, screaming